I'm having trouble connecting to my shutter from my rotator all of a sudden. I am able to send commands like "@FRS" via USB / COM Port to the shutter directly and read back the version number: FRS3.3.0#. The same is true on the rotator: FRR3.3.0# via USB.
It used to work fine, but all of a sudden now I am stuck on a loop... the serial monitor keeps printing this repeatedly:
To try and fix the issue, I updated the firmware to 4.0.1 on both the rotator and shutter via USB and it succeeded.
I replaced the XBee modules with new ones -- I matched the FW versions on the XBees to the ones that were already in the rotator and shutter (version = 2006), and made sure the channel & IDs match (I assume this step was not necessary since the FW does a power-on-reset on the XBee modules).
I power cycled both rotator and shutter multiple times -- giving them 20 to 30 minutes in between to establish a link -- no luck so far.
Any ideas on what's going on? Anyone else face this issue? I saw a few similar threads here, but thought I'd start a new thread so as to not revive ancient threads.