Hi Nexdome team !
I recently bought a second hand Nexdome with rotation motor and shutter motor from 2020. I’m following the instructions from the Nezdome PDF and Lunatico Astro for installing the Beaver.
I’m having a problem and I think it’s coming from the USB connection between my PC and the motors. After installing ASCOM, then Beaver software and the Beaver USB drivers my USB driver in the device manager don’t change for “Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COMxx)”, it stays with the normal name for USB hubs. So I guess there is a problem when installing the drivers but can’t find what I’m not doing good, considering I’m just installing it …
After, in the Beaver properties I can’t open the “configuration button” and in the end the motors are detected in NINA but I can't move them.

I have the same problem (nexdome form 2000) and I am updraging the telescope controller to Eagle 5 (running Windows 11). I can't figure out how to update the USB drivers to Arduino. Where can I get Arduino drivers for Windows 11. What version of Arduino should I install?
As far as I know the system is not upgradable. I'm not an expert.
The way I understand it all communications go through the rotator. I'm not aware of communication directly via Windows. You can access the dome on a Windows computer through the nexdome widget.
Thanks ! So if I understand well I have the old version of the motors. Can I update them ?
Also, is there a way to communicate with those motors through Windows ?
Here is a picture of the inside of the rotation motor
You may not have the Beaver system. Have you looked at the boards installed in the rotator and shutter housing? Both boards must be of the same generation and if the boards don't say Beaver you have the original unit which do work, but you'll need those particular drivers.
If you do have the Beaver boards, hopefully someone more attuned to the firmware will help you. You might also try posting in the NexDome Facebook group. If all that fails, I would suggest contacting NexDome at sales@nexdome.com