I do own the rain sensor but am not using because I have another weather safety device and until the firmware and driver are a bit more solid I'm keeping it off. In the code the default rain check interval is 30 seconds. Because the ASCOM logs ( reveal that ShutterState is asked for and received once a SECOND!!!! throughout the night I decided to just see how changing raincheck interval impacts that this morning. (After a fine good night!). In the firmware code the notes say clearly that setting rain check interval at 0 turns it off.
So using the ASCOM driver Shutter setup I set it to 0 and then opened the shutter. The result was quite interesting.. The shutter did open but it's speed was probably 1/4th of normal!! After the shutter was open I set the rain check interval back to 30 sec and closed the shutter. The speed was back to normal.
I have said many times in this forum before that given the occasional munging of sent commands that the shutter state logging of once a second is likely the cause of quite a bit of mischief. Now I see that raincheck is as well. Even so my setup runs just fine in all night automation. The ASCOM logs reveal lots of stuff about the firmware.
Would there be a way to ask Pat to just do the compile? I could test and have a couple other folks too who are tied to ASCOM world. Anyway thanks to your help I will try as well!