Does anyone have experience with running the dome through NINA? I'm pretty sure my offsets are just about bang-on. But when I select a target in NINA and ask it to Slew and centre, the scope moves and then the dome starts to move after the scope is done. The issue is that NINA starts to plate solve as soon as the scope stops and regardless of the target I choose, the dome is never at the right spot before the plate solve sequence times out. After it times out, if I ask it to slew and center again, the scope doesn't move as it's in the right spot, but the dome move back to home and then rotates back to the correct spot, in the mean time plate solving times out again.
Not sure if I have all the right check boxes selected as I can't find anything specific to integrating with NINA.
Thanks in advanced.
A simpler way to do this is to connect the dome and the scope to the ASCOM Device Hub. The scope will ALSO be connected to NINA. Check the "Sync to scope" box in the ASCOM Device Hub under the dome settings. DON'T connect the dome to NINA. This works fine for me.
This sounds like a question for George on the NINA discord. He wrote the plug-in for Dome rotation and would be eager to help.