Since we have several discussions going on, I thought I would start a new thread to keep things organized.
I've been experimenting with Raspberry Pi 3 B+ using the AstroBerry OS on it. I haven't gotten to the dome control yet, but I did get the rotater rotating with INDI using Astronomy Linux when testing that on my tower computer (also on the "bench" since it's too cold and dome is iced up these days - waiting for some "spring" to happen!).
I've been impressed with what I've seen in the features of AstroBerry and hoping to work out the dome functions with it. Again, I'll admit that I haven't really tested it yet, but know there is some interest in it. My goal is to get it all working, run the observatory and imaging on it, and be free of Win 7.

FAIRLY good luck recently. While I had some issues getting the devices on the NUC to connect with Kstars and Ekos, I pulled the plugs and put them into the PI. It's sitting out there now.
At first I ran kstars and ekos on the PI - (not the best idea, it's not a fast machine and lack of ram meant it crashed to OS a lot). Solution? I started the web server on it so it has nothing to do but interface and communicate to my devices.
I then am running (Linux vers) though windows Kstars would work as well. This allows me to have the power of my desktop running all the software and processing solves... while the PI handles the IO. It's worked much better. The pi connect almost all my devices. I am havine a problem connecting the Cloud Watcher, the Pyxis rotator. But I have connected foxlynx focuser 1 and 2 nexdome AstroPhysics mount Astrometry snapcap 1600mm lodestar ASI EFW This morning I was testing and I had the snapcap closed. If I open it it hit my dome and jams. So I always do it when the shutter is open. ANYWAY- I fire up the 1600 for a test and when I did the snapcap opened. (camera just tell it) Impressive... and it jammed. I got it fixed up but interesting
to see how all this stuff works together. I can even load a previous saved fits - and it will load it and slew to it. - I've amazing so I'm really pushing to make the change. The BIG problem for me now is getting the shutter to connect to the rotator. (Xbee?) I dunno. This has happened ever since I got the shutter. Pat's firmware seemed to make it happen (not sure why) but I had to go back to nexdome 1.1 for the INDI nexdome driver and it has worked once. Now won't connect. = ( So glad it's cloudy because the delay would drive me nuts.